BuildersBlaster Construction How Much Does A Construction Worker Make?

How Much Does A Construction Worker Make?

The job of a construction worker is something that values skill over educational qualification. While the average salary of construction workers is estimated to be $37,000 per, these numbers are likely to change in upcoming years. However, when we talk about the construction worker salary, different factors affecting their pay in the Unites States Of America are listed below for you to check out.

Read through the article to know about the Construction Workers in the US, from their qualification to how much do a construction worker make?

Construction Workers Salary Info. And Factors Affection Their Salary

According to a recent survey, more than 60 percent of construction firms in the USA have significantly increased the base pay rates for their workers. Also, around 30 percent of firms have started to give cash incentives and other bonuses to lure skilled construction laborers. This is high time for someone who’s looking forward to this job. Before discussing the factors that affect a construction worker’s salary, let’s have look at the skills required to become a construction worker.

Skills Required To Become A Construction Worker

  • Proficiency in building designs and the construction industry.
  • Adequate fitness level to be able to perform physical tasks on a regular basis.
  • Knowledge of basic mathematics.
  • The understanding of how to use certain tools and maintain these tools by repairing them.
  • Good communication skills and ability to work in a team.

Factors Affecting Construction Worker’s Salary

  • Educational Qualification

As discussed earlier, the job of a construction worker does not stress educational qualifications. However, some sort of formal training can support requests for a higher salary for construction workers.

  • Job Experience

In the construction industry, the pay scale is heavily dictated by the amount of experience an individual has.

  • Location

Usually, urban areas offer higher pay as these cities can provide a much higher volume of work. We have listed below the list of highest paying cities in the USA. Now, let’s go through the question that how much does a construction worker make?

construction worker

Construction Worker’s Pay VS Other Jobs Pay

As much as we appreciate the job of a construction worker, we can’t deny the fact that it’s less rewarding in comparison to other jobs in the same field. Keeping in mind, the hard work that goes into performing construction duties makes it even more vulnerable. Here’s a list that helps you to draw a comparison between the average salary of construction workers and other jobs.

  • Average Salary Of Construction Workers

On average, construction workers salary in the USA may be around USD 43,000 annually.

  • Average Salary Of Iron And Steel Workers

In the year 2020, the average salary earned by Iron and Steelworkers is estimated to be USD 58,650.

  • Average Salary Of Carpenters

Woodworkers or carpenters in the USA make around USD 54,200 annually.

  • Average Salary Of Civil Engineers

The pay scale of a Construction Manager in the USA ranges up to USD 107,260.

  • Average Salary Of Cost Estimators

Cost Estimators in the year 2020 managed to make around USD 72,960.


Top 5 Highest-Paying States For Construction Workers In The USA

The pay scale of construction workers is influenced by several factors like their employer, rank and experience, and the state where they work. Some states are well known for providing most construction workers more than other states. We’ve listed below the list of best-paying states to Construction workers in the USA.

  1. Hawaii

The construction workers in Hawaii usually earn around $60,000 to $65,000 every year.

  1. Illinois

The second best on our list is Illinois, with workers getting paid between $58,000 $61,000 annually.

  1. New Jersey

New Jersey is third on our list, with an average pay of $58,000 annually.

  1. Massachusetts

The average salary of construction workers in Massachusetts is $57,000.

  1. New York

In NYC, the construction workers receive around $56,000 annually.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Which Construction Job Pays More?

While the field of work remains the same, depending on the position and experience of an individual, the salaries differ. For example, someone like a Construction Manager receives $97,000 per annum, whereas a boilermaker or elevator installed will get anywhere around $60,000 to $80,000. Hence, as you move above in the ranking and job experience, your salary also increases.

What Are The Duties Of A Construction Worker?

Construction workers are usually responsible to carry out tasks throughout the day which includes:

  • Digging trenches for building’s foundation and drainage.
  • Making scaffoldings and bracing.
  • Operating both hand machineries like drills and saws and heavy machineries like excavators and dumber trucks.
  • Operating on concrete mixers.

All these tasks require a lot of endurance and physical strength. Other than these tasks, construction workers also assist their seniors and colleagues on-site.

How much does a Construction Worker Make Per Hour?

The salary for daily wage laborers mainly depends on the no. of hours they are working in a day. Construction Worker’s salary per day in the USA is estimated to be $142.64 if they are working an 8 hours shift. This means the average hourly wage for these workers comes out to be $17.83.

How much does a Construction Worker Make a Week?

The average weekly pay for construction workers in the United States Of America is around $600 a week. Their salary doesn’t include the holidays on weekends or any other occasion. However, some companies do provide paid leaves to their employees but this is very rarely seen.

How much does a Construction Worker Make per Month?

A construction worker salary living in the US can be up to $2751 per month. This adds to $37,900 annually where the highest-paid 25% managed to get $50,300, while the lowest-paid got $30,000 annually.

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