October 23, 2024

Six Tips To Ensure A Construction Project Moves Faster

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Construction projects that move slowly and inefficiently incur excessive delays, reduce business margins and jeopardize contractors’ potential to land profitable, well-paying jobs.

More than one in ten projects (13.4%) are delayed by at least a year, and nearly a quarter (22.7% of projects) are delivered more than 250 days late.

So are you looking for ways to speed up the construction process of your project? Construction projects can often take a long time to complete, so it’s essential to know how to make them move faster. The tips below will help you get your project done quicker and better.


1. Have backup power

Backup power is essential for any construction project, as power outages can significantly impact timelines and project completion. According to research, 30% of all construction projects are delayed due to power outages.

To ensure your project stays on track, invest in reliable backup power. It could include a generator, an uninterrupted power supply system, or a backup energy source such as solar or wind. Having reliable backup power will allow you to continue working even when the primary power source fails, preventing potential delays and disruptions to your timeline.

  1. Give your employees shelter

When completing a construction project quickly and efficiently, you must ensure your workers are comfortable and well-rested. Too often, workers are asked to sleep in their cars or other uncomfortable places.

This is dangerous and leads to fatigue, slowing down the entire project. As a manager, you must ensure that your workforce is settled in properly near the construction site. Why? Because if they are settled further away, they will need transportation to and from the construction site. This back and forth is not only time-consuming but also another significant investment.

Investing in oilfield housing (a modular structure) can be an excellent option for ensuring that your workers have comfortable, quality accommodation as it will contain all the amenities, too, like a kitchen and clean washrooms. With comfortable sleeping arrangements, your workers can get more rest, enabling them to work longer hours and increase efficiency.

Additionally, providing your workers with quality accommodation will show them you care about their well-being and can help build morale.

3. Communicate

Communication is key to getting a construction project completed on time. Prioritizing communication and collaboration between all construction project stakeholders will improve the work, avoid costly mistakes and help ensure that deadlines are met.

All project stakeholders should be informed of any changes and updates to ensure everyone is on the same page.

It can be done through regular meetings, emails, phone calls, or text messages. It’s also essential to have an open line of communication between workers and management so issues can be addressed quickly.

Regularly updating everyone on the project’s status can help keep everyone motivated and focused on their tasks. Ensuring everyone has access to the most up-to-date information about the project will also help avoid miscommunication and misunderstandings.

4. Don’t underestimate the power of incentives

Incentives can be compelling to motivate workers and get the most out of your team. Offering bonuses, performance-based pay, or even something as simple as a thank-you card can effectively motivate employees and improve productivity.

You can create an environment that encourages faster and more efficient work by providing tangible rewards for good performance. Additionally, providing incentives may help you retain valuable team members by showing them that their hard work is appreciated.

It can lead to improved overall job satisfaction and a smoother project experience. Furthermore, incentivizing employees can also create a sense of friendly competition, pushing them to work harder and faster.

5. Be prepared for the unexpected

No matter how well-planned a construction project may be, there are always unexpected situations that arise. From inclement weather to materials not arriving on time, the best way to prepare is to be ready for anything.

It’s essential to have a contingency plan that can be implemented in the event of an unexpected or unplanned problem. It is an integral part of any construction project as it allows for adjustments to be made quickly and efficiently, reducing disruption and delays.

Having a contingency plan ensures that there is a fallback option if something goes wrong. It also helps to minimize risks by anticipating possible issues and preparing solutions in advance. With a contingency plan, there is no need to waste time looking for answers when a problem arises. Instead, the team can jump right into action with the pre-defined solutions.

For example, make sure to plan for rain. Have tarps and plastic sheeting ready to cover exposed areas and dry your construction site. These can help keep your construction site running, even in the worst conditions.

It’s also essential to have enough material for unexpected repairs or replacements. Make sure you factor in a buffer in your budget for potential issues and find reliable suppliers who can deliver quickly. Finally, ensure an emergency contact list is ready if something urgent arises.

This readily available information will help you respond promptly and get back on track.

6. Take advantage of construction management software

Construction management software is an excellent tool for ensuring your construction project moves faster. Popular software like Procore and PlanGrid can be used for tracking and coordinating various aspects of a project. These apps allow you to view and analyze all the data in one place, giving you complete visibility into the project’s progress.

You can also use them for planning, scheduling, task management, and document sharing. With these tools, you can ensure that all tasks are completed on time and that all resources are used efficiently.

With construction management software, you can get a better overview of the entire project and make decisions faster. Such software allows you to track progress and easily manage resources.. It can also give you real-time data, which is invaluable in quickly responding to changes and meeting deadlines.

Plus, it can help you save time and money by streamlining processes and automating tedious tasks. By investing in construction management software, you can ensure that your construction project moves quickly and efficiently.


Ensuring that a construction project moves faster is essential for any manager, builder, or developer. A project that runs quickly and efficiently saves time, money, and resources, allowing the project to be completed sooner and at a higher quality.

Investing in the right tools, setting expectations, and being prepared for the unexpected can all help keep a project running on schedule and with fewer delays. By following the six tips we’ve mentioned above, you can help ensure that your construction project runs smoothly and finishes on time.

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